Jonas’ Favorite Links

The internet is wast, fun and full of stuff to stuff your head with. Over the years I have bookmarked things that I found worth stuffing my head with. But what use are they if I never revisit them or share them with anyone?

Now I present to you this handpicked selection of the most exquisite links. So you can spend more time reading and less time searching.

Enjoy while I discover more stuffy stuff!


Blind Alley is about a gang of kids living in a strange neighborhood. It’s nice because it can be read as a linear story or you can pop in occasionally as most strips stand up well on their own.

Ryan Andrew’s comics are beautiful, emotional stories with the most charming art style. If you like this I hugely recommend getting his graphic novel This Was Our Pact.

Forming is a creation myth comic with some wacky writing, the creator(s) of this worked on Adventure Time the vibes are similar. They also attempted to turn it into an animated series, but they only managed to make the pilot episode(which is great).


Less Talk More Rock: Video games have a language of their own and they are messy to make.

Forget about themes, armatures are the foundation that hold every great story together. Here's a short written summary, if you’re into it you should listen to the You Are A Storyteller podcast. Or read my article on how it’s helpful for any creative who’s struggling with fuzzy ideas.

Jordan Peterson’s 10 step guide to writing essays is a great essay about writing great essays. Writing is a way to organise your thoughts and to become a clearer thinker. (btw, just wanna make it clear, I think he’s a douchebag, but he’s a good writer)

Is it narcissistic to make work about yourself? Van Neistat explores that in his Youtube video Narcissism vs Universality. Spoiler: it definitely can be, it depends on your approach.

The designer Oki Sato says the word “fun” is part of the word “function”, he’s inspired by Doreamon. This also goes hand in hand with my dream of starting a computer company.

John Lennon on the importance of letting things bubble. Artistic excellence is not about pushing yourself to your limits for approval. It’s about climbing your own secret mountain.

There’s an epidemic of people aspiring to do and be. People excitedly share their new idea or pics of their new gear that they are too afraid or lazy to use. Being TOO inspired might be bad.

Paul Graham articles are always great. Just scroll through and find a title that intrigue you.


People are afraid of truly thinking for themselves and adopt fashionable ideas to fit in. Socrates got cancelled, there are dangers in thinking like a philosopher.

Love what you do in front of the kids in your life instead of telling them what to do. If you don’t love what you do, why would they? Parenting advice is also advice for yourself.

Without Me by Mac DeMarco is a great way to look at relationships. Puts the finger on what loving really means.


Drenched is a great, mindless thing to catch a mental breath if you have been staring at something for too long. In my opinion much better than Wordle, because Wordle takes too much concentration and energy.

MineSorter is a nifty little sorting game.


Eggplant: The Secret Lives of Games is a show where game creators talk about everything regarding game making. I’d recommend scrolling through the list of episodes and see if there are any names or games that you recognize!

Creative Pep Talk talks about the creative journey and all the troubles along the way through lots of fun n’ crazy metaphors, the most recurring metaphor is the hero’s journey. Is ‘the hero’s journey’ a metaphor? Not sure, I don’t think the host would mind me calling it that though.

This one goes out to any fellow Sweed who might visit this page. Alex & Sigges Podcast är skitbra, mitt favoritavsnitt är nog 539 (men man måste gilla Håkan Hellström).

I will be adding more to this list over time. Come by sometimes if you feel bored.

Last updated (25 June 2023)